About us

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Hoa Phuong Orphanage - Music Project

Our first project is a Music Project taking place in Hoa Phuong Orphanage. Our purpose with this project is to stimulate and develop the children through music. We think that they can not only develop their music skills on these lessons but also it can give them the opportunity to perform at social occasions and help them to feel proud of their accomplishments.

Hoa Phuong Orphanage was opened by the government in 1992. The orphanage gives place to 60 children from the age of 4 months-18 years old. There are 8 "homes" with 1 mom in each and 6 "aunties" in total who take care of the children 24 hours per day. Altogether 26 people work there and there are no "fathers" in the homes.

Most of the children's parents are dead, 5 of the children have living parent(s) who are imprisoned, 20 children were abandoned after they were born in the hospital and some of them are street children whose parents couldn't be found. The budget for each child is 13.000 VND (less than 1 USD) per day that is 400.000 VND per month each.

The music lessons are conducted by 2 Vietnamese music teachers 2 times per week 2 hours each time. For the first 3 months the children are learning basic music theory twice a week for 1 hour each time. The second hour is dedicated to teaching the children to play their instrument of choice. At the moment we have 1 accoustic guitar and 2 violins in the project.

We would like to increase the number of the instruments and also provide different varieties of instruments for them.

Our current sponsors:
- Joyce and George McHenry
- Harbor View Hotel

We are looking for donations for this music project. If you would like to help and donate to this project or any future activity of our organization in the orphanage, please contact us on the following email address:

If you prefer to donate an instrument to the orphanage directly, we can help you with the addresses of music shops and also the choice of the instruments.

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